Teachings of the Temple

The Teachings of The Temple ~ 9 months in the Dark

In the last assignment of that 9 months training with Bruce Lyon, we’ve been asked to write about what insights and experiences we harvested during this journey.

Here is what I wrote in Dec 2023.





It’s not possible to take TOTT out of all the things I experienced during the 9 months gestation. Creating. Facilitating events and retreats and festivals and clients. Hypnosis therapy sessions. Our Dark Divinity. Psychedelics journeys. 3 ISTA containers. Family visits. The Emerald podcast. A business coaching process. A transition to non-profit for the Temple.

And a deep deep storm in the closest possible field, through my beloved’s dissolution.

Are those outcomes, or accelerators? Were they part of, or results of the process? Given oneness is everythingness and nothingness, I would say both and none and the above.

Starting the journey, I was lost. (…) Where I expected answers I first found confusion. Consciousness is definitely not my comfortable path.

Though I stayed. (…) And at some point, I (think I) got it.

An understanding of my path, my role, the reason and all of these is interwoven, the beauty and perfection of each tile and step shaping the road.

A reclamation of my power and recognition of my leadership.

Clarity about what is at the center of it all.

TOTT was a perfect continuation of what opened up in Level 2 in Nov 2022, that brought me to Bruce and those teachings.

Those teachings… were the perfect conceptualisation of lots of my exploratory experiences, a cosmology that I can easily explore.

That training… was the perfect continuation - or beginning - of my journey towards integration, empowerment, surrender.

Beside all the effects in my psyche, energetic field and perspective of the world that are still integrating, I (re)gained a vision. a WHY. Why we do what we do.

Why do Temple.

Why do this work.

and through the why, a path to how. and who.

/ Insights.

I’ve been there before? I know these territories? I have an understanding of what we are talking about? I know rapture.

The intuition - Soul, monad - brought me there, and now I see clearly.

Now I understand what initiation means.

And also - the depth of Power available. The depth of Love. The smallness and limitations of body-mind to encompass all. The depth of connections.

Bees know oneness.

Together alone, alone together.

Strength and depth of monadic relating.

Dark is Love. Devotion is burning, destroying everything that doesn’t belong.

Awareness. And with awareness, the emergence of power and choice.

/ Experiences.

Being in the discomfort of my mind trying to understand, to “make” something out of it, and surrender. Being present to the subtle and strong currents that affected me through the journey - the heavy strong currents that shaked me deeply, calling back pieces from the past to rewrite them, especially during the months of Power, Relationship, and Money. Learning to sit in silence, and listen. Becoming a black hole during a breathwork, and another time, experiencing (being) infinite divine Love. Birthing the Temple in the hands of my beloved. Embracing all the suffering and the horrors in a LSD trip, being brought directly to Death and being comfortable there. The moment after, harnessing Lust. Being worshiped and becoming God.ess. Those weeks when it felt like grieving our relationship, without reason, without words, listening to the undercurrent. Guiding a meditation and talking about non-dual tantra on national radio. Being burnt by Love.

stand strong and still on the edges of dissolution.

Create. Create. Create. Dissolve, and create again.

Oh, the beautiful unexpected journeys I was invited to experience. Oh, the delicious chaos, and delights of what flesh and mind can make out of it. Oh, the strength and clarity that came through me every time I opened the connection with monad, and the burning as I was misaligned. »





I now possess a pdf which is supposed to acknowledge that journey in the Mystery.

Truth is, I know less than when I started.

A written piece of digital paper can’t encompass the whole experience and learnings.

Does it make me more legitimate to be the point holder for Ecstatic Temple and a community leader?

Only time and experience will say. YOU will say.


No finish line


I suck at marketing